How the Scheme works
We have around 80 volunteer Drivers for the scheme at the moment and 17 people on the Telephone rota. Many of these latter people are also drivers for the scheme.
There is a red card index box which contains details of all the volunteer Drivers, plus a Google spreadsheet detailing the lifts that need to be organised for a particular week.
At the beginning of each week the 'box' goes to the designated person on the Telephone rota who then rings round the volunteer drivers and, using the Google spreadsheet detailing what lifts are needed, organises the lifts for the coming week.
The Medical Centre advises us each week of lifts needed for Fish ‘clients’ for the following week.
The 'box' currently comes round to each person on the Phone rota once every 4 months.
Where do we take people?
We provide transport within the village: to the Medical Centre, the hairdressers, the Post Office or local shops but we do also provide transport outside the village for dentist, optician and local hospital appointments when necessary. We do not do shopping trips outside the village.
Who qualifies for our help?
Anyone who is a Haddenham resident, is elderly and/or infirm and who does not have anyone else available to drive them.
Is there a charge for the service?
Haddenham Fish Scheme is a Registered Charity and there is no charge for any of the driving that the scheme provides.
The scheme has few expenses (mainly an annual insurance premium plus some petrol expenses).
However, some clients like to make a donation to the scheme as a token of their appreciation. In this case they are welcome to put small donations in the fish-shaped teapot located on the reception desk in the Haddenham Medical Centre. Any larger donations are forwarded to the Treasurer, Tim Mozley (11 Popes Acre, Haddenham).
At the end of each year, if the level of donations exceeds the Scheme's expenses, the surplus may be donated to a local cause. Past recipients have included Age Concern, the Red Cross day centre, the Medical Centre and the Eye Unit at Stoke Mandeville hospital.